Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Meal Planning: February 2017

January has come and gone, so you know what that means... it's time for a new meal plan! If you haven't checked out the Meal Plans page recently, I recommend you do so. I've made a few changes and updates that I think you'll find useful.

Speaking of changes and updates, we've done things a little differently here this month. Jason takes home cooked meals and leftovers to work each night for dinner - this isn't new. But he asked me if we could start cooking numerous meals on Sundays and/or Mondays so that he has more variety and options to choose from throughout the week. What I had been doing was cooking a meal with intentional leftovers (chicken drumsticks for example) and packaging them up ready to go in the fridge. He would eat those for the next 2-3 days. By that point I would have made another meal yielding leftovers for his next 2-3 nights worth of dinners. He loves the home cooked meals, but said he'd prefer getting to rotate them a little more instead of having the same dinner in a row. So instead of cooking a meal every other(ish) day that yields leftovers, we will be cooking those dishes at the beginning of the week. Then for our lunches during the week, we will be making things like salads or dishes that are less than ideal as leftovers.

He's awfully demanding, huh? "If you give a mouse a cookie..." Just kidding, babe. I'd rather slave away in the kitchen than have you at the drive thru every day. So here it is, our plan for February. I'll be going grocery shopping tomorrow to make the bulk of our purchases for the month. This will include stops at Aldi, Costco and Trader Joe's, and then we should only need small trips about once a week to Aldi for fresh produce.

So what's on your menu? I'm always looking to add new things to our rotation, so leave me your favorites in the comments!

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