Monday, October 10, 2016

Recipe: Easy Breakfast Greens

This recipe (if you can really call it that) is so simple and straight forward, yet just creative enough to pull me out of the "scrambled or omelet?" rut we fall victim to. If you recall my feelings towards eggs prior to our first Whole30 in March of 2015, you'll remember I wasn't such a fan. Luckily they've grown on me, but it is still very much possible for me to burn out on eggs if eaten too many days in a row.

This meal idea came to me the day after we made Bacon Burgers with Avocado Smash for the first time. As I was perusing Pinterest a while back looking for new meals to add to our arsenal, I couldn't help but notice the trend of how many Whole30 or Paleo recipes were served on top of mixed greens. Well why not? A variance of texture while adding to your daily nutrient intake? Sure! 

So the next morning I wasn't really feeling scrambled or omelets for the 4th day in a row, and even my go-to back up of a smoothie just wasn't striking my fancy. So I made it up as I went. Spoiler alert: this is probably the single hardest part about creating original recipes for me, and it also drives my friends and family nuts. "Can you send me your recipe?" "... Uhh, what recipe? You mean how I measured nothing and just made it up along the way without writing anything down?" Ha! That's 90% of my cooking, and hence why before sharing a recipe with you all I usually have to make it at least three times to accurately get back to what I did in the first place. It's a bad habit, I know, I'm working on it. 

Luckily, this one is so simple that process wasn't even necessary. I simply placed a handful of mixed spring greens on a small plate, while I cooked one egg to over medium in a skillet with just a touch of olive oil. Meanwhile in a separate pan, I sliced up and browned half of a chicken-apple sausage. Once browned, place the sausage on top of the greens, followed by the egg. Salt and pepper to taste, and then dive in. You can cook your yolk as soft or hard as you like, the softer the more runny and creamy it'll be (almost serving as a sauce or dressing) as you cut it into it. Enjoy! 

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