Sunday, October 22, 2017

Recipe: Oatmeal Chocolate Chip "Cookie Dough"

"Did she just say cookie dough?!?" Yes. Yes I did. Here's the thing... cookie dough and I go way back. Although my mom always warned me that I could get a stomach ache or worse from eating the raw cookie dough, she also happens to be pretty awesome (in more ways than one) and let me take that delicious risk. And my favorite cookie dough (or cookie) is probably Oatmeal Chocolate Chip. You guys know my story... I used to be pretty addicted to sugar and thankfully that's no longer the case. What I love about this recipe is the fact that I can enjoy that same treat I love, but without the raw egg, butter, gluten, or excessive refined sugar. I use almond butter and my P96 protein powder to add an extra dose of goodness to this sweet treat! I had a previous version of protein bites posted here to the blog, but I wasn't super happy with the drier texture of those. And since I plan to experiment with other flavors in the future, I felt that revamping this one was the best place to start! I'm much happier with the texture and flavor of these, and I'm hopeful you will be too!

 I also use the best raw honey, Hutton Honey!, that I get from my Uncle David. I highly encourage finding someone you know or someone local to get your honey from. It's a million times better than the stuff in a plastic bear. Anyways, here it is, my sweet treat go-to without all the guilt.


1.     Mix the dry ingredients together in a medium sized bowl.
2.    Add the wet ingredients to the bowl and use a wooden spoon or rubber spatula to mix. The mixture should evenly coat all the oats and be slightly sticky.
3.    Use a 1 oz. scoop to portion into individual servings.
4. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 4 days.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Recipe: Chicken Tortilla Soup

A day late and a dollar short... that's a saying, right? For those of you who saw my post on my personal Facebook the other day, you know I promised to post this recipe yesterday. Better late then never though, right?!?!  I fell in love with Chicken Tortilla Soup in college. There was this adorable family owned Mexican Restaurant that was about halfway between our apartment and two of my classmates' and it served up a delicious bowl of Chicken Tortilla Soup. So I set out to recreate it at home and landed on this version. This soup always hits the spot and is so easy to throw together. It's so easy to meal prep in advance and also freezes wonderfully to serve later on. It can be made on the stove top, in the Crockpot or in the Instant Pot. Talk about simple and versatile! And!! Jason is starting to appreciate soup, ya'll! I know that seems silly to most, but I'm ecstatic!


1.     Place all ingredients in either a small/medium pot on the stove or in a small Crockpot. Stir to combine.
2.    If cooking on the stove, cover and let simmer for 45-60 minutes.
3.    If cooking in the Crockpot, set on low for 4-8 hours. **Because the chicken is already cooked, the time you allow the soup to cook for can vary based on your needs – all it’s doing is heating and building flavors.
4.    This recipe can also be made in the Instant Pot. Use the Soup or Manual Setting for 15 minutes.
5.    To serve, top with sliced avocado and fried tortilla strips. I like to use one small corn tortilla per bowl. Simply cut the tortilla into strips and pan fry in a skillet with a little avocado oil or coconut oil until crispy and browned. Drain and salt before serving.

**Soup can be stored in the fridge for up to 1 week or frozen for up to 3 months. To make vegan/vegetarian, omit chicken and substitute vegetable stock in place of chicken stock. 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Meal Planning: October 2017

It's officially Fall, ya'll! I know fall is a favorite time of year for so many people, but I'm going to be honest here... I have mixed feelings about it. Sure, I love some of the same aspects all of you do - things like cooler temperatures, leaves changing, fall decorating, pumpkin patches and apple picking, sweatshirts or sweaters, apple cider and the occasional pumpkin spice items. Yes, I love soups and hearty crockpot meals that warm us from the inside out. However, I also have a sense of sadness as Fall creeps in because I know Winter is just around the corner. But this year, unlike most, I'm trying not to see it that way. I'm trying to focus finding the good in each and every day, enjoying the seasons for what they truly are. I've always thought Spring was such an exciting time because the trees and flowers come back to life, we shake off that cooped up stale feeling from being inside all winter, and we get to take a deep breath of fresh Spring air to fill our lungs. Much how I've viewed Fall as the precursor to Winter, I've always looked at Spring as just the beginning of all the great things to come over the summer. But who's to say wonderful and exciting new things can't begin at any moment? So that's what I'm going with this year. Embracing all the opportunities and moments of happiness the world has to offer, regardless of what the date on the calendar says. ❤

It's no secret that I haven't been on top of my meal planning game these past few months. Where on earth August and September vanished to, I'm still not certain. But not only is October here and my meal plan created, I've also already done the grocery shopping and prep work for this week too! So here's to hoping I have my act together this month and that maybe sharing this meal plan can make your life a little less hectic too!