Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Boy, oh boy

You guys... we are just a few weeks shy of me going THREE months without a single post. Serious shame in this game.

I'm not going to lie here either. As I sit down to write this I struggle with "do I make up for lost time and cram three months worth of content into a single post?" or "don't get ahead of yourself... a few paragraphs seems like painting the Mona Lisa given the amount of writing you've done recently." The latter is going to win here.

The last three months have flown by in what seems to me like all of three days. Since my last post, there have been ten weekends go by, six of which we either had guests in town or were out of town ourselves. We also went through 4 straight weeks in this span that Jason was working voluntary overtime, including a stent of 12 days straight. Then there was our two week long complete bathroom remodel we tackled ourselves, 25-30 hours a week I spent working in or commuting to and from the city, a pup in diapers through her first heat cycle, the dogs and I took our first solo road trip, we met a best friend's new addition, Barley graced us with our first rodent in the house, we partied on the lakeside for 3 days to some amazing country artists, tying up loose ends on half finished projects... you get the gist.

Oh, and then there's those mundane things of being an adult. Where days you successfully run a full round of laundry (wash, dry, fold/hang, put away) all in the same day seems like a huge accomplishment, but then you remember the floors need cleaned, there are dishes in the sink, pups need a bath and "when was the last time I washed my hair?" runs through your mind. Even in the wake of the craziest possible weeks, I just can't help but realize how blessed we are. We are so fortunate to have an abundance of friends and family who want to visit us. Lucky to have a beautiful home that we can personalize and put sweat equity into. Grateful to have fur babies who want to be with us constantly, always lift our spirits, and make the best excuses when life catches up with us and its time for a cuddle day on the couch. We don't have much to complain about.

One of these days we will wake up and it'll be 2040. The projects will all be done, the to do list will be finished, our future children will be too cool to hang out with us. And then we will miss the hustle and bustle of our twenties and wonder how on earth we did it all. Until then I'll leave you with a few photos of our progress. And I'm going to try and slow down and soak it in a little more often. <3

Photo walls in the living room and office. The photos in the frames have since been replaced with appropriately orientated (and updated, including wedding... yay!) photos.

 The canvas was a gift from my sister for Christmas and is now hanging in our bedroom. Jason's personal touch with the bathroom renovation :)

LakeShake Festival 2016 and the pups and I on our first road trip just the three of us. 

Before and After Bathroom Remodel